In order to determine how and where to install a Ballast Water Treatment System on the target vessel, as well as the required characteristics of the system, a feasibility study needs to be conducted. This phase involves the collection and review of vessel documentation. No single system offers a perfect fit for all vessel types, and this review helps establish the vessel’s specific needs.
The survey report is the feasibility study and survey on board to verify available spaces and constraints. Onboard Survey is conducted with focus on following aspects:
Fresh Water & Compressed Air Demands
Electrical Power Demand
Sludge discharges
Electrical connections
Maintenance Space
Foundation and Structural Integration
Control System Integration
Example of BWTS survey report:
Vessel particulars
Ballast System Details
Ballast Tank Capacities
Ballast Pump Details
Equipment Lowering Arrangement
Tie points
Proposed area for new equipment.
Equipment Dimensions
ISO drawing of Existing Ballast system.
Electrical Survey
Feeder panel
Spare breakers
Fresh water and air connections.
Pictures and videos
ECR pictures
ECR spare breakers pictures
Tagged valves positions
Tagged valves pictures
Engine Room Videos:
Engine floor
Aux. Engine platform
Pumps area
Fresh water and air connections.

Laser Scanning of Ballast Water Treatment Systems (BWTS) Survey

Tagging - Ballast Water Treatment Systems (BWTS) Survey

Tie points of Ballast Water Treatment Systems (BWTS) Survey

Ballast Water Treatment Systems (BWTS) Tagged valves

Ballast Water Treatment Systems (BWTS) Tagged tie points

Ballast Water Treatment Systems (BWTS) Tagged pipes